Monday, December 29, 2008

The Unnamable Woman

Therein the moonlight
look it is she
the one
they call her
the puppetier of the night
she pulls all of the strings that make the night
she rides the Night mare
she is the daughter of shadows and dreams
she makes the crickets chirp
the bushes rustle
the shadows move
the birds adjust
and she makes your mind
see things that aren't really there
she helps all of us overcome our inner fears as well
she makes and shapes our dreams so that we may see the inner meanings to our life
as well as maybe, if your lucky,she will show you a piece of your future in your dreams
the only thing you have to do is remember
and use what she gives you selectivly and wisely
do not get caught up in her or take her too seriously
she can fool and joke
she will overthrow you and you will never come back from her world

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