Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Music, My Life

To me music is a sense of freedom and self expression. It calms me and heals me. It makes me want to get up and dance, sing, and just let go of all of my inhabitions. I don't think I could live without it. I depend on it to calm me down when I am nervous or frustrated. I need it to go to asleep and to wake up. I live and breathe music, if I am not playing it in my computer then I am making it on my piano. I love to try new forms of music all of the time. Just recently I learned how to do a basic beat on the drums. I love learning about music. The music my love makes when he is waisting time is so beautiful that I have to choke back my tears. I love hearing things that stir up my emotions so strongly that I want to just get up and do something.
I love the feel of a heavy bass guitar vibrating through my bones.
I love the sweet song that an acustic guitar makes.
I love the beat that drums can keep and how it seems to hold a song together.
I love the wild sound you can get and make on a keyboard, you can get anything from doorbellls to drums to a cat to a trumpet.
I love the calming sound that the piano can make, I love playing this in public, swaying to the music I make. But my secret is that I make most of them up on the spot.
I love music.
It heals me.
It makes me want to dance,
and sing.
I love the feeling I get in the deepest parts of my chest when I hear good music.
Music is my life and part of me.


DragonRaid said...

I couldn't live without music. It's what keeps me sane :)

Although I haven't met someone else who listens to my type of music lol. It calms me down, and is the perfect outlet to just let everything out.

I've always wanted to play a real drumset. Rock Band will only take you so far :)

Anonymous said...


let music be your refuge.
let it be your voice
your words when you have none
but, don't hide in it, use it, share it with the world and it will be better.
