Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Mysterious "Why?" Question

Why?.... This is a question I am constantly asking myself....
Why did this happen to me? Why does this happen to her or him? Why can't things be better? Why am I like this? Why do I do this? Why do other people do this? Why?
Almost none of these questions have answers. But yet we plow on with them anyway, asking more and more of them all of the time. Why do we ask more "why" questions when we don't have answers to the ones we have already asked?
We all ask "why" questions. But the real question is; Why do we ask these questions? As I am writing this there are hundreds of "why" questions floating around in my brain, but as I am writing that I keep asking myself "Why all of these "why" questions?" and for some reason I feel like I am jogging in circles, and I ask myself "Why did I even start this?" But as I am writing this I honestly think the whole time that I will be at my destination soon, not that I even know what that is.
What I am trying to say, for those not so capable of getting my hidden message, is that in writing this I was expecting to come to an answer to at least one of these questions. But in doing so I have only created more, and I seem to be in the same place I started in, if not worse. And as to not tire my brain out further with this now pointless blog, I will end with a "Good night" and a "Why do we say that?"

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