Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Wall

I don’t care.” This is my wall. Don’t try to break it down because you will break me too. My wall protects me from caring to much and getting hurt, because I care, or just because I don’t want to tell someone my truest, deepest, darkest feelings that I have on the inside. I am afraid to loose the thing that means the most to me.
I hate when people don’t understand that I can’t handle being yelled at during stressful times. I can’t be loaded up or badgered, or I will combust internally and die. I feel, in those situations, that my head will explode, or my emotions will explode. I fear I will hurt someone and never fix that in the end.
I don’t want to regret anymore, my wall protects me from regret. I am so afraid, I am so angry, I am so lonely. I know I am not truly alone but I feel like I should be alone.
I care way too much, how do I stop caring? Help me to stop caring for real. Please! I need to be rescued, I feel like I am drowning. I know who can save me, but I don’t want them to have the responsibility of my life or emotions on his shoulders. I want to save him. That is the only way I can be saved myself.

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